The blue blazed hiking trails in Connecticut are some of the best trails. They are maintained by the wonderful people and volunteers who make up the Connecticut Forest and Park Association. Their mission is to “connect people to the land in order to protect forests, parks & the Blue-Blazed Hiking Trails in Connecticut for future generations.” Be sure to check out the CFPA website, look for the interactive map which includes coordinates and parking for all the blue blazed trails, and if you feel so inclined, give them a donation. These posts document TUIB’s journeys to complete all of the blue blazed trails. They are sorted alphabetically.
Camille’s Way and the Highlawn Forest Trails
16 Meriden Rd, Middlefield, CT road ~ 4.54 miles total and 1 hr and 43 mins (Camille’s way 2.18 miles and 50 mins.)
Chatfield Trail
We parked one car at the trail marker on Paper Mill Rd in Killingworth and one at Chatfield Hollow Park on Rte 80. 4.7 miles
Chatfield Trail- Take 2!
We parked one car at the trail marker on Paper Mill Rd in Killingworth and one at Chatfield Hollow Park on Rte 80. ~4.4 miles 2 hrs 10mins
Cockaponset Blue Trail
Parking one car at the parking lot off of Route 9 exit 8 and then another at the trail head on Rte 148 in Chester – 7.6 miles
Field Forest
Starting at ~165 Bear Rock Road Durham, CT. the trail ends at Cocinchaug High School for a total of 1.63 miles and 38 mins.
Finch Brook Trail
Parking at 2-98 Barbara Drive Wolcott, CT ~ 2.5 miles and 1 hr 6 mins
Hancock Brook Trail
Sheffield Street, Waterbury, CT ~ 3.14 miles and 1hr 53 mins. (Lollipop loop)
Jericho Trail
The trailhead is located at 1574 Echo Lake Rd, Watertown, CT which has a convenient parking lot. The trail ends in the woods. (4.15 miles and 2.5 hrs). It meets up with the Mattatuck so we followed that section to the dropped car at 1662-850 Thomaston Rd, Watertown, CT which added 1.35 miles for a…
Lillinonah Trail
65- 99 Echo Valley Road, Newtown, CT ~ 6 mile loop – 3hrs 11 mins
Mattabesett Trail Part 1
The trail starts at River Road in Middletown (directly across from NRG) and ends at Brooks Road (Asylum Reservoir 2). It is said to be a 4.8 mile hike, but I clocked 5.2. It took us just over 3 hours to complete.