Nehantic State Forest 59-131 Keeny Road, Old Lyme, CT ~3.8 miles 1 hr 42 mins.
The Nayantaquit Trail is nestled in the Nehantic State Forest and is a very easy trail to do. It is under 4 miles and only has one notable hill. We had a perfect day for a hike, blue skies and low humidity, and although we went later in the day we were also fortunate that it wasn’t too buggy. The trail has lots of great rocks and one we dubbed Chameleon Rock. There are also some cool trees including one that looks like the Grinch. The trail is mainly dirt and rock with a few wooden bridges for streams and a boardwalk through a swampier area.
I had read another adventurer’s blog on this trail before going. He had commented that the trail was well groomed and free from litter. We have to agree with that and also give props to the caregiver(s). We didn’t see any trash.
One thing to look out for is the spiders. There were many giant webs with active spiders across the path. We did our best to avoid walking into them, but unfortunately, I had a few webs go across the face and one even went in my mouth (blah, blah, blech). This prompted Bryan to ask, “which is worse stabby clowns or spider webs?” Not sure how others feel, but “I’ll happily stick with spiders & spider webs.”
I was very amused by the random port-a-potty in the middle of the trail, I thought for sure it would house something creepy or criminal, but Bryan checked and confirmed it is just a potty.
Overall beautiful, quick, and easy trail.
Adventurers included: Jes, Bryan, Dana & Dogo