11 Bridge St, East Hampton, CT – Out and back loop ~ 7.7 miles with side trip to the falls
The Salmon River Trail is a very beautiful trail. It starts and finishes next to the Salmon River where I have seen many great birds including bald eagles. The path turns quickly to all woods and gentle hills. The trails are well maintained but do include some “ankle-breakers” (either roots or rocks that are in the middle of the trail as tripping hazards.) Eventually the path leads to Day Pond which is a very pretty swimming / fishing area and quickly brings you back into the woods.
I didn’t take as many images (see more here) since I have done this trail several times, but we did find a new, to us, flower: Panicledleaf ticktrefoil; Desmodium. We also got to see my favorite soul-baring tree, and of course we took the side trip to the falls.
Adventurers included: Jes, Dana, Bryan, Jasper & Dogo