Mattatuck Trail Part 2

Starting at Wilton Rd, Plymouth and ending at 1662-1850 Thomaston Road, Watertown, CT ~ 5.84 miles and 3hrs35mins (time includes stopping for garnets)

The second section of the Mattatuck overall did not disappoint in beauty. The woods were very serene and the fall foliage was just starting to turn. There were several look out points along the way, but I wouldn’t particularly say any were “money shots.”

There are lots of boulders and rocks on this trail including two sections to climb through. One of these sections is the infamous Leatherman’s Cave. Dana noticed large boulder outside of Leatherman’s Cave that had garnets embedded in it. She also identified some loose ones later on the trail so we stopped to collect a few.

There was more road walk on this section, the first 15 mins were spent walking the road to get into the woods, followed by another 15-20 min road walk approximately an hour later. Other sections of the trail were forest floor, rock and roots.

I would not recommend this trail on a wet day. There are quite a few rockfaces that make up the trail, and a few of those are at a decent enough of an incline to make it dangerous if wet. Also pay attention to the markers. We missed turns a couple of times which added one steep hill to our trek.

Adventurers included: Jes, Bryan, Dana & Dogo