Mattatuck Trail Part 6

Starting at 74 Flat Rocks Rd, Cornwall Bridge and ending at Mohawk State Forest Toomey Road, Goshen CT ~ 6.87 miles and 4 hrs

The last section of the Mattatuck was a pretty and serene section. The trail is relatively easy. It is a mix of forest floor, rocks and road walk (both dirt & paved). There are some small streams to cross and some areas had little boardwalks to assumably make safer to cross through muckier sections. We had mainly snow coverage so the trail was masked a little. This caused two small “hiccups,” but otherwise, we had an easy make of it.

This section of trail has a few good inclines, most are gradual and have switchbacks, but there are a couple of spots that had the calves feeling it. There is a great lookout point on top of Mohawk Mountain (close to the end of the trail). We thought it was all downhill from there, but surprisingly enough it was an up and down route to get to the Pinnacle, the tower and then the trail end.

Adventurers included: Jes, Dana, Bryan & Dogo