Hurd State Park

77 Middle Haddam Road, Middle Haddam, CT- Parking at the first lot on right before light and Hog Hill on left ~various trails for 5.38 miles and 1 hr 58 mins.

Mike and I went for an impromptu hike at Hurd Park. I forget how close this park is to me and don’t get out here much. I should do this more often as it is a really pretty location and a pretty easy hike. We took the white trail from the parking lot to the red trail to orange for Split Rock, then black and back to red to blue to green and white to the parking lot.

The park is on the shore of the Connecticut River and also climbs above it for a great look out point at Split Rock. It is a great place to take a seat, enjoy the serenity and (for us) to have a chat. Unfortunately there is graffiti here. Wouldn’t it be nice if people only tagged man-made structures?

On the way out, the side of the trail is covered with Jewelweed or Touch-me-not. I didn’t get a picture or video of it, but I did get to teach Mike why it is called Touch-me-not!

Other plants seen included:

  • False Indigo
  • Border Privet
  • Cat Greenbrier
  • Mountain Laurel
  • Meadow Anemone

Adventurers included: Jes and Mike