Incline Trail

Incline Trailhead is in Goffstown, NH ~ 2 miles out and back including side trail to the lookout point. 1 hour

Incline trail is a steep and short trail found on South Uncanoonuc Mtn. The trail itself is dirt, rocks, and roots and is well groomed — but it is steep. It averages a 25% grade and is noted to be 30% in some areas.

Ryan and I were both in the area for work and wanted to get a quick climb in, so Incline it was. It was a hot and humid day. I don’t normally have sweat drips, but rather I glisten — you know, the overall lovely sheen??? This climb had drips of sweat travelling down the side of my face.

Even with the heat and humidity, we climbed it fairly easily. A few stops required bending at the waist and exclaiming “phew!” before continuing, but overall it really wasn’t that bad. We made it up and back (with time at the lookout to appreciate the view and visit) in exactly one hour. Supposedly one can see to Boston on a clear day, but I have no idea what we were looking at.

Overall, it was a good climb and a great way to fit in a hike under time constraints. No technical hiking was required, just be advised to take your time and take breaks as needed.

Adventurers included: Jes & Ryan