Mattabesett Trail Part 8

Mattabesett Trail Part 8: Mount Higby ~4.56 miles: starting at rte 66 in Middlefield and ending at ~ 639 Country Club Road, Middletown. 2 hrs and 17 mins

Today due to the heat and other obligations, we decided to keep this section short and sweet. Mt Higby is the highest peak (892′) on the entire Mattabesett Trail and gives some fantastic views from its traprock ledges.

The trail starts in the woods and very quickly turns to an exposed area where the path is the ledges. (There is an “inner” trail for those who don’t want to be on the very edge.) The way the rocks jut up to meet you and make natural stairs is very convenient and majestic. The trail is well marked and easy to navigate. After a while you return to the woods to finish off this section.

Lots of wild violets, wild geraniums, and eastern yellow stargrass can be found on the trail. Also found a “new” flower called rock harlequin or pink corydalis. Met a new bug called an eastern eyed click beetle, had a beautiful show off raven fly over head, and met a few toads along the way.

Adventurers included: Bryan, Dana, Steph, Jes and Dogo